Body contouring for men and women
Dr. Farhang has noninvasive and minimally invasive procedures to help men and women alike to achieve their aesthetic goals. Male body sculpting patients often seek to recontour the glutes, love handles, and six packs, and to create or restore a V shaped physique. Men also seek to strengthen and enhance the jawline. Women seek to reduce their abdomen and flanks, shrink their waist, remove muffin tops, eliminate fatty knees, smooth bra and back fat and treat a double chin.
Body contouring procedures
The gold standard body contouring procedure is liposuction. However, you can achieve body contouring goals with popular alternatives to surgical body contouring. Noninvasive modalities using cold, heat, lasers, electromagnetics, radiofrequency and high-intensity ultrasound are popular alternatives because of their efficacy, safety profile, minimal recovery times and lower costs.
With noninvasive procedures the results are not immediate, but the wait is well worth the effort and there is no or little downtime and minor discomfort. With minimally invasive procedures there may be minimal downtime, but positive outcomes appear earlier. Some procedures can treat fatty deposits, and some treat fatty deposits and tighten the skin.
Noninvasive fat removal with cold or heat, dissolves fat cells that are resistant to diet and exercise on the thighs, upper arms, stomach and flanks. Noninvasive body contouring is generally intended for relatively fit individuals with isolated areas of fat. These are not weight loss procedures.
- SculpSure uses laser generated heat that treats trouble areas and requires one treatment for visible results within 6-12 weeks.
- Vanquish uses with magnetic waves to destroy fat cells. Vanquish is nonsurgical body contouring and skin tightening. No incisions, no anesthesia and no downtime.
- TruSculpt iD uses radiofrequency energy to destroy fat cells. Each treatment provides about a 25% reduction in fat.
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