
How to Choose the Best Sunscreen for Your Skin — Plus, 10 Great Products

Posted on: July 29th, 2021 by Our Team

Dr. Sheila Farhang was featured in Shondaland’s article, ‘How to Choose the Best Sunscreen for Your Skin — Plus, 10 Great Products’. Here is an excerpt from the article, ‘In 2021, it’s no secret that sunscreen is not only an important part of any skincare routine but a completely necessary one. As an essential source of sun protection, sunscreen prevents both the everyday headaches of sun exposure, like sunburns and inflammation, and its long-term effects, like hyperpigmentation, wrinkles, and skin cancer. Yet, despite its myriad benefits and its decades-long starring role in beach bags everywhere, sunscreen remains a point of confusion for many.’

Read the full article here.

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