Dr. Sheila Farhang was featured in AEdit’s article, ‘Read the Label: All Of Your Collagen Questions Ansewred’. Here is an excerpt from the article, ‘Few ingredients in skincare have become as synonymous with their benefits as collagen. Promising a...read more
Dr. Sheila Farhang was featured in Shape’s article, ‘What the Heck is Skin Purging, Exactly?’ Here is an excerpt from the article, ‘Spend enough time scrolling through the beauty blackhole on Instagram, and you’re sure to see a post...read more
Dr. Sheila Farhang was featured in Allure’s article, ‘7 Skin-Care Trends We’re Predicting will be Big in 2021’. Here is an excerpt from the article, ‘This time last year, 2020 seemed an untarnished slate of glimmering possibility. A revival...read more
Dr. Sheila Farhang was featured in Real Simple’s article, ’13 Beauty Trends Experts Predict will Dominate 2021’. Here is an excerpt from the article, ‘That’s why we’re so hopeful for 2021, a year where our beauty know-how is at...read more
Dr. Sheila Farhang was featured in Arizona Daily Star’s article, ‘Business Awards in Southern Arizona’. Here is an excerpt from the article, ‘Dr. Sheila Farhang: Dr. Sheila Farhang, founder of Tucson’s new Avant Dermatology & Aesthetics and co-founder of start-up...read more
Dr. Sheila Farhang was featured on The Doctor’s segment, ‘How to Prevent Dry Skin this Winter’. In the segment Dr. Sheila Farhang discusses why dry skin in the winter happens and shares tips to help leave skin hydrated no...read more
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